Every Student, Every Opportunity, Success for all Fri, 06 Sep 2024 04:37:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 Unit 3 & 4 Trial Exams 2024 /?p=37466 Fri, 06 Sep 2024 04:37:31 +0000 /?p=37466 will be conducting trial exams for all students doing a scored 3/4 subject between Monday September 16th and Friday September 20th, 2024. Your child has received their personalised exam timetable through the School Portal.

Students should note that if they have applied for special consideration, the exam times will remain the same however the venues may vary. We encourage students to contact their teacher for a specific venue.

On Arrival

  • You should arrive 15min before your scheduled exam, ensure you know where you’re seated on seating plans (these are outside the venue of your exam, posted on MS Teams and on the notice board near main stairs outside the library)
  • You should not bring bags, phones, earphones, electrical devises, smart watches (there are clocks within the venue) or any other personal items.

What to bring

  • All students may wear casual clothing- suggest you wear layers in case you find the venue hot/cold. Closed in shoes, no thongs.
  • Pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers etc in a clear plastic pencil case or plastic pocket without any labels or markings.
  • Water bottles are to be CLEAR only – no labels, no sports or Tupperware bottles.
  • Student IDs or drivers license with photo.
School Based Apprenticeship – Seth Anderson /?p=37456 Fri, 06 Sep 2024 01:00:54 +0000 /?p=37456 Earlier this term our Year 10 student Seth Anderson participated in two Structured Workplace Learning Placements at Cavalier Homes Albury Wodonga in Wodonga. Supported by the WSSC Careers team member Sloane Hubner including meeting with Seth’s parents at Parent Teacher night Seth took a keen interest in engaging in work placements trying his hand at Construction as this aligned with Seth’s hands on learning prowess.

Ben Paddle Cavalier Homes , Seth Anderson Student WSSC, Tracey Jacobs MEGT

Working with Shane Crispin Head Start SBAT Coordinator, Tracey Jacobs from MEGT he has since been able to become part of the professional Cavalier Homes Albury Wodonga via a Head Start School Based Apprenticeship after the success of his placements where Seth displayed great skills and fitted into the team so well.

Seth is currently working one day a week with Cavalier; said he was loving the work and the team. Murray Mallee Training Company is where Seth is going to be Studying the Certificate III in Carpentry qualification very soon. His onsite work supervisor Ben Paddles said Its great for young people to get experience in the industry and see them get a Head start which he wished was around when he was at school. Tracey Jacobs from MEGT Apprenticeships said It is fantastic to work with and the Head Start program as it’s an awesome way to introduce the next generation to great pathways.

Congratulations Seth on using your initiative utilising your personal connections in taking on this pathway and we thank Lyle, Ben , the Cavalier Homes Albury Wodonga team, MEGT for providing these exciting opportunities for our young people.

For information on School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT’s), please contact Head Start Coordinator, Shane Crispin.
M: 0476 076 258
E: shane.crispin@education.vic.gov.au

Marngrook Cultural Day 2024 /?p=37452 Thu, 05 Sep 2024 23:21:22 +0000 /?p=37452 On Wednesday 4th of September, our College hosted a Marngrook Cultural Day. The event consisted of face painting, cultural games and of course many games of Marngrook! We were joined by students from Wodonga Primary School, Melrose Primary School, Wodonga South Primary School and Wodonga Middle Years College. A special thanks goes to the staff, student volunteers and community organisations that made the day possible, as well as Woolworths Whitebox Rise for donating lunch.

Marngrook cultural day 2024
School Saving Bonus /?p=37440 Mon, 02 Sep 2024 00:39:24 +0000 /?p=37440 About the School Saving Bonus

The Victorian Government is making life that little bit easier for families by providing a one-off $400 School Saving Bonus. This support will help cover the cost of school uniforms, textbooks, and school activities like camps, excursions and sports. The School Saving Bonus is in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports for Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) and the Affordable School Uniforms Program.

The School Saving Bonus will be provided to schools and families in Term 4, 2024.

Who receives the School Saving Bonus

The School Saving Bonus is available for parents and carers of all Victorian government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025, except for full-fee international students, home schooled students, TAFE students and students attending kindergarten in 2025.

Actions for parents and carers

Parents and carers of children who meet the School Saving Bonus eligibility above are required to do the following by Friday 18 October 2024:

Complete enrolment
If your child, or children are changing government school for Term 1 2025 ie: WMYC to WSSC, please complete and send back the 2025 WSSC Enrolment paperwork.

Check your contact information
Ensure your contact information is up to date you need to make sure your phone number and email address are correct. Please check your junk mail regularly to make sure you do not miss an important email. The Department of Education will email you twice:

  • In October, to verify your email address
  • In November, with your $400 School Saving Bonus

Accessing the $400 School Saving Bonus

You do not need to apply for the School Saving Bonus.
The Department of Education will email you in November 2024 with your $400 School Saving Bonus. You will be able to access it via an online system.
You can decide how to best use the School Saving Bonus for your family’s needs. You can choose how to allocate the $400 in the online system.

The bonus can be used towards 2025 school costs, which may include:

  • camps, trips, excursions and incursions
  • swimming and sporting programs
  • outdoor education programs
  • graduations
  • school uniforms
  • textbooks

The bonus can be used at your school’s approved textbook or uniform suppliers either in-store or online, or through State Schools’ Relief. The list of suppliers may include a school uniform or bookshop. Any amount that you choose to allocate to textbooks and uniforms will be valid until 30 June 2025. It will then transfer to your child’s school account for future activities.

Funds will roll over for use in future years if it is not all spent in 2025.

Families with more than one eligible child

Families who have more than one child at the same school can combine their School Saving Bonus payments to use on one child, or for a specific activity. So, for example, a family with 3 children who are all government school students would receive support to the value of $1,200 and choose how they spend those funds. The School Saving Bonus cannot be combined across different schools.

More information

To learn more about the School Saving Bonus visit . Translated information will also be available on the School Saving Bonus website in the next few weeks.

2025 ICT Information Session /?p=37432 Sun, 01 Sep 2024 23:28:52 +0000 /?p=37432 Future students and families are invited to attend our Information Session that will be held on Tuesday 3rd September and 4th of September. Each day will have two sessions at 4:30pm and 6:00pm at the College, where you can find out important information and ask any questions you may have.

Connect with practising scientists /?p=37413 Wed, 28 Aug 2024 05:53:22 +0000 /?p=37413 Final chance to register!
This school holiday event offers opportunities for students to connect with practising scientists.

Biomolecular Horizons 2024

Who: Victorian students in levels 9 – 12, their parents, and their teachers
Date: Wednesday 25th September, 2024
Congress tour: 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Public lecture: 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Where: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
Cost: Free

The evolving field of biomolecular science is re-shaping our understanding of the natural world and driving innovation in domains as diverse as medicine, genetics, nutrition, and agriculture. Biomolecular Horizons 2024 is an international congress that will bring thousands of scientists from across the globe to Melbourne to discuss ground-breaking advances in this field.

Students, their parents, and their teachers are invited to join an exclusive behind-the-scenes Congress Tour where you will have the chance to meet scientists in the field and explore the exhibition hall to learn about cutting-edge technologies that are driving innovation.

You are also invited to a special Public Lecture featuring three internationally recognised molecular scientists. You will learn about their career path and research interests and see where a career in science can take you!

Deadline Aug 31, 2024. Numbers are limited. Register now to avoid disappointment.

To express your interest in the Congress Tour go to:

To register to attend the Public Lecture go to:

Powering the Industry: Career Paths in Manufacturing, Engineering, and Heavy Diesel /?p=37404 Mon, 26 Aug 2024 04:06:59 +0000 /?p=37404 Recently, around 30 students from our Certificate 2 Automotive program embarked on a field trip to explore the cutting-edge world of the Australian automotive industry. The students had the opportunity to visit two leading businesses that are setting the standard for employment and opportunities in the manufacturing, engineering, and heavy diesel industry.

Their first stop was William Adams a renowned product support and supplier for Caterpillar equipment. The students were given a guided tour of their facility located in Clayton, where they witnessed firsthand the career options that are available in an organisation like William Adams. They learned about Apprenticeship programs, site safety and the latest technologies and innovations being used in the industry.

The second stop on the field trip was PACCAR in Bayswater. On this site they engineer and assemble Kenworth and DAF trucks. Here, the students observed a highly efficient and quality controlled “just-in-time” assembly line. They gained valuable insights into the skills and knowledge that go into engineering and building such and iconic vehicle.
Thank you to the team at William Adams and PACCAR for hosting our students.

The field trip proved to be a long day, but the feedback from students suggests that it was a valuable experience, providing them with a glimpse into some of career paths available in the automotive sector.

State Hockey Success /?p=37401 Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:07:17 +0000 /?p=37401 Senior Girls Hockey Team – State Runners-up
Congratulations to our Senior Girls Hockey team on reaching the School Sport Victoria State Finals. The team travelled to Braybrook Discovery Park to stay overnight in preparation for the early start of games on Tuesday 20 August. Our team featured: Mil Deery, Jessica Pickersgill, Sienna Drummond, Indiana Drummond, Bella Drummond, Imogen Edgar, Lexi Bulman, Kaitlyn Mulrooney, Eliza Moran, Kaitlyn Ross, Jardine Bauerle, Sarah Gorka, Elisha Bardy and Jem Mann.

Our team played Balwyn HS in the first of the Pool B matches and won 4-1. Our good play was rewarded with goals to Elisa Bardy (2), Indi Drummond (1) and Jem Mann (1). In game two we played Chairo Christian School – Drouin. This team were State Winners in 2023. Wodonga Senior SC started well leading 2-0. Chairo were able to score a goal and we led 2-1 at half-time after conversions from Kaitlyn Mulrooney and Indi Drummond. Jem Mann scored our 3rd goal in the 2nd half to put us up 3-1. Chairo did not give up and managed to convert a penalty corner to bring the score to 3-2. Eliza Moran in the Goal Keeping role performed well to repel several late penalty corners. With seconds to go in the match a final penalty corner to Chairo was awarded. Our girls defended well as a team and the final score was a 3-2 win to us.

The final pool round match was against Belmont HS. A draw or win would secure a place in the State Grand Final. The team continued to set up goal scoring opportunities and won this game 3-1. Imogen Edgar (1), Kaitlyn Mulrooney (1) and Indi Drummond (1) were our goal scorers.

Credit to our team and the support crew of families and parents who came to watch. Windy, cold and damp conditions prevailed all day at the Footscray Hockey club. The grand final was played against another country school – Mildura Senior College. This game was played in great spirit with the best two teams reaching the State Final. Mildura had not conceded any goals thus far in the competition winning comprehensively in their 3 Pool matches.

Wodonga Senior SC battled hard and valiantly with the increased intensity and pressure placed on the defence. Mildura scored a late first half goal to put them up 1-0. Not to be denied our team continued to set up opportunities but unfortunately, time ran out before we could convert an equalizer. Congratulations to Mildura Senior SC on being awarded SSV State Champions.

Our team were presented with the Runners-up pennant for the school and a runners-up medallion for each participating player. Congratulations team. You make me proud to be your Sport Coordinator and the manner in which you represented yourselves and the college is fantastic. Let’s try again in 2025.

Di Larkin
Team Coach

School Based Apprenticeship – Brodie Callow /?p=37396 Fri, 23 Aug 2024 06:52:20 +0000 /?p=37396 Earlier this year our Year 12 student Brodie Callow participated in work experience at ITL Painting Services in Wodonga. Guided by the WSSC Careers team Garry Brook, Brodie took a keen interest in engaging in a work placement trying his hand at painting as this aligned with Brodies hands on learning skills.

Working with Shane Crispin Head Start SBAT Coordinator he has since been able to become part of the professional ITL Painting Services via a Head Start School Based Apprenticeship after the success of the work experience placement where Brodie displayed great skills.

Brodie is currently working three days a week with ITL and at the end of this school year will go into a full-time apprenticeship with them continuing also with Murray Mallee Training Company in the Certificate III in Painting & Decorating qualification.

Brodie said he was unsure of what he was going to do after school and now his SBAT has helped him really set him up. His Employer Troy said I think the Head Start SBAT model is great because it provides support for Brodie this year and his first year out of school something not heard of before. Troy also said It places his business ahead of the end of year apprentice recruiting rush and provides Brodie with a clear plan.

Congratulations Brodie on using your initiative in taking on this pathway and we thank Troy, ITL Painting Services team for providing these life changing opportunities for our young people.

Year 10 La Trobe Educational Partnerships Program /?p=37376 Mon, 19 Aug 2024 04:04:18 +0000 /?p=37376 Dear Parents and Guardians,
On either Wednesday 9th and 16th of October, Year 10 students will be participating in the La Trobe University Educational Partnerships Program at the La Trobe Albury Wodonga Campus. Students will attend the session on Wednesday 9th October if they are in Red or Green House, and on Wednesday 16th October if they are in Yellow or Blue House.

Wednesday 9th October: Red and Green House
Wednesday 16th October: Yellow and Blue house

Year 10 students will experience a day at La Trobe University with the AW Educational Partnerships Program. Students will experience University style learning and culture, and also hear from current LTU students on what their experience of university life. Wodonga TAFE team will take students on a guided tour of TAFE and students will have an Amazing Race around Wodonga La Trobe campus.

Students are to make their own way to La Trobe University,133 Mc Koy St, no staff supervision before 8.30am. Bus travellers will be transported from WSSC NLT 9am, students will depart La Trobe at 2.30pm, bus travellers will be transported back at school.

If parents or guardians do not provide consent for their child to attend on the School Portal Mobile App, they will be required to attend normal classes.

For more information about this event, please contact our Careers and Pathways team.
